Exhibition NUEVO NOUVEAU by artist and designer Jaime Hayon opens to the general public

Until January 27th 2024 at MAD Brussels

A green rocking chicken, crystal masks and countless sketchbooks; MAD Brussels, Centre for Fashion and Design, is fully immersed in Jaime Hayon's imaginative universe. NUEVO NOUVEAU is a first for Brussels; for the first time, the Spanish artist and designer is exhibiting in the Belgian capital. The exhibition takes visitors through Jaime Hayon's extensive and colourful oeuvre: from furniture to paintings, from industrial products to tapestries and sculptures.

Brussels is all about Art Nouveau

MAD Brussels was looking for an international designer who would embody the essence of the Art Nouveau movement today. Someone who is not afraid to experiment with different disciplines: from design and furniture making, from painting to total interior design. Jaime Hayon, aka the modern-day Antoni Gaudi, embodies all these aspects: from mysterious ceramic creatures and poetic objects to colourful interiors and intriguing paintings. Pushing the boundaries between art, decoration and design, Hayon's creations are not only full of optimism, but also demonstrate the skills of a true craftsman.

This is the first time Jaime Hayon's work has been shown in Brussels. The exhibition at MAD Brussels focuses on the diversity of his oeuvre, the innovative craftsmanship he brings to the industry and the colourful aspects of his artistic approach. Jaime Hayon's varied oeuvre is shown in its entirety: from furniture and industrial designs to paintings, tapestries and sculptures. New work never before shown to the public is also present. The common thread throughout the exhibition are Hayon's sketches showing the evolution of his career: from industrial designer to artist.

Who is Jaime Hayon?

Jaime Hayon (°1974) is a Spanish artist and designer known for his colourful and imaginative designs, interiors, urban installations, sculptures and paintings. He trained at the European Institute of Design in Madrid and then specialised in industrial design at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD) in Paris. He then joined Fabrica, a research centre of the Benetton group in Italy, where he headed the design department for four years. Finally, Jaime Hayon founded Hayon Studio in 2001.

The foundations of what would become Hayon Studio were laid more than 20 years ago. Over the years, it has become clear that his oeuvre always reiterates the same principles: optimism, humour and an explosion of colour. Jaime Hayon's style can also be recognised by his abundant use of graphic details, a rich imagination and recurring elements from flora and fauna. Each of his works is therefore a unique treasure trove of ingredients.

The exhibition NUEVO NOUVEAU is part of the Brussels Art Nouveau Year, the Spanish Presidency of the European Union and Design September. The exhibition is produced with the support of the Spanish Embassy in Brussels and AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo).

For more information on the exhibition:

Website preview
By artist & designer Jaime Hayon

Practical information

22.09.2023 - 27.01.2024: NUEVO NOUVEAU by artist and designer Jaime Hayon

The exhibition takes place at MAD Brussels: Nieuwe Graanmarkt 10, 1000 Brussels. The exhibition is open to the public free of charge from Wednesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm.

Images can be downloaded immediately by clicking on the images in the press release. For more information or interview requests, please contact:

Alexandra Borgerhoff

Press communication, MAD Brussels

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About MAD Brussels

We inspire, we connect, we guide the Brussels fashion & design industry. In addition to promoting and showcasing the Brussels fashion and design sector, the Center for Fashion & Design wants to stimulate, support and encourage creative initiatives. Innovative, sustainable and inclusive entrepreneurship plays a very important role at MAD. Designers can get help in developing their own brand and label. Together with a lot of Brussels creative talent, MAD Brussels builds the creative character of the capital.


Nieuwe Graanmarkt, 10 1000 Brussel

+32 2 880 85 62

